"Joyful, God-centered learning"
— Abigail C., 2023-2024 Fellow
The Need
The William & Mary Charter originally established "a perpetual college of Divinity, Philosophy, Languages, and other good Arts and Sciences…" so that "the Christian faith may be propagated." However, the College no longer teaches Christian theology or actively encourages Christian piety. Indeed, faculty and students often find real tensions between their Christian faith and the assumptions of the modern university.
90% — Ninety percent of youth active in high school church programs drop out of church by the time they are sophomores in college.
37% — Atheism has doubled among Gen Z, with now thirty-seven percent believing it is not possible to know for sure if God is real.
About Cambridge House
The shared vision for a Christian Study Center in the William & Mary community goes back several decades. Countless faithful followers of Christ have prayed for God to raise up an organization like Cambridge House—a space where the Christian faith and the academy can meet “at the crossroads.”
Located at 930 Jamestown Road, Cambridge House hosts regular Study Days, public lectures, discussion groups, prayer, faculty dinners, and the Fellows Program.
Cambridge House is a member of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers.
To establish a Christian Study Center serving the students, faculty, and staff of William & Mary, for the Body of Christ in the City of Williamsburg, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the nations.
Setting a table with the riches of the historic Christian tradition, for the moral, spiritual, and intellectual flourishing of the William & Mary community, as we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Hospitality — Welcoming all who come to experience connection and community.
Prayer — Precedes God’s kingdom movement and allows us to hear His voice.
Whole-Life Discipleship — Our entire lives should be in submission to the lordship of Christ as we live out the gospel in visible ways.
Ideas and Dialogue — Challenging the mind by engaging with others in thoughtful discussion.
Equal Partnership of Men and Women — Both are made in God’s image to serve in God’s kingdom.
Courage — Engaging in the most important matters while never compromising the truth of God’s Word.
1980s-Early 2000s
A vision for a Christian Study Center at William & Mary begins to grow in the minds of local believers and those who love the university.
Founding board members Paula and Blake Puckett spend time in Cambridge, England, befriending family of Francis Schaeffer and many who have been deeply impacted by the Study Center movement.
August 2021
Cambridge House is incorporated as a non-profit, becomes a member of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers, and hosts its first Open House.
Fall 2022
Cambridge House begins hosting a full calendar of events, including lectures, study days, discussion groups, and fellows programming.
Frequently Asked Questions
"Christian Study Centers are communities of students and scholars animated by the ancient ideal of faith seeking understanding. Located adjacent to colleges and universities, study centers support and complement their host institutions’ mission to discover and disseminate knowledge by convening conversations that address the big questions of life—questions of meaning, purpose and value." Learn more from the Consortium of Christian Study Centers.
No, Cambridge House exists as an independent ministry. Read our Statement of Faith to learn more about our beliefs.
The name Cambridge House serves as an ongoing reminder of the historic connections between William & Mary and England, the historic birthplace of student ministry in 1877 in Cambridge, England, as well as the work of God through His people at Cambridge University.
Cambridge House is funded by students, parents, alumni, churches, and other donors like you who wish to support this work. As a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, donations are tax deductible. Learn more and find ways to give.